martes, 9 de marzo de 2021

Class of friday 19th 2021 - Pagraphs and topic sentences.

February Friday 19th 2021


The Topic Sentences: The Topic Sentence is the first sentence to help us know what is the paragraph about.

Characteristic of the topic sentence: That need to be short and concise , we can find in the start of the paragraph, when transitioning to another point of the same topic, the topic sentence help to connect with the previous point. 

Types of transition words in the topic sentence: 



-On the other hand


-And then 

Paragraph structure: 

1- Topic Sentence

2- Supporting Sentence

3- Concluding Sentence

When is not a topic paragraph:

When is narrow, too broad, incomplete sentence, don´t announce your topic.

When is correct your topic paragraph: 

When they are good topic, own opinion, be specific, clear subject, make general idea of the topic.

How to write a paragraph:

Paragraph is when you connect different sentences with the main idea.

Characteristic to make a paragraph:

One good topic sentence, three supporting sentence and one concluding sentence.

How to make a great paragraph? The brainstorm is perfect to help you with that, other thing is the main idea help to make the topic sentence. 





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