lunes, 3 de mayo de 2021

Argumentative Essay



The argumentative essay express an extended argument for a particular thesis statement, in this type of eassy is necessary to present arguments because that help to support your ideas.

Elemental components of the argumentative essay:

1-Introduction and Thesis.

2- Opposing nad qualifying ideas

3- Strong evidence in support of claim

4- Style and tone of language

5- A compelling conclusion


1-Introduction: The introduction help us to capute the attention or interest of the reader.

2- Body: In the argumentative essay the body is where the arguments are developed in detail. The author present the evidence, analysis, in that is neccesary to convince the reader.

Conclusion: No new arguments or evidence appear here, In all conclusions, there should stress the relevance and importance of the argument.


1- Make a claim.

2- Provide the grounds (evidence) for the claim.

3- Explain the warrant (how the grounds support the claim).

4- Discuss possible renuttals to the claim, identifying the limits of the argument.

Rogelian model:

1-Establish the introduction.

2- Identify an opposing view.

3- Validate tje opponet's opinion.

4- Establish your position

5- Validate your position.

6- Back and forth argument.

7- Benefits of your position.


1- You have to select amdebatable topic.

2- Adopt a position on the topic, develop and thesis statement.

3- Consider your audience.

4- Present clear and convicing evidence for your opinion.


Topic: The importance of the world's lung in South America.

I-  Introduction: "The earth loves our footsteps and fears our hands". Joaquín Araújo. The Amazon known as the lung of the world is increasingly in danger, we will talk about how important the Amazon is for the world, also in the danger that the Amazon is, its wealth that it has for the world, we must take into account Note that this has great relevance and importance and every day it is losing part of our green lung in the world.

II- Body paragraph I: The importance of the Amazon is not a new issue on the international agenda since we know up to different summits.
A- We can mention that the purpose of these summits is to raise awareness and reach an agreement for the reduction of pollution and gases.
B-  One of the main summits that We have of real importance is the summit of the earth in which its purpose is to evaluate progress.
C-  Take into account the importance of helping the environment for health reasons and to take care of our future generations.
III- Body paragraph II: It is necessary to take care of the Amazon one for its natural wealth, in this case where thousands of fires attack the Amazon jungle. 
A-It is difficult to imagine the thousands of quantities of species that are in danger and we can mention this from species of plants to species of animals, like the different indigenous communities that inhabit the place.
B-Every year this situation increases where each time fires and deforestation take more kilometers.
 C-The role of private companies is important since they occupy to put factories or streets where they are looking for "development".

IV-Body paragraph III: The Amazon helps us by absorbing millions of tons of carbon dioxide, where this jungle works to reduce the amount of greenhouse effect.
 A- In addition to this it helps against climate change and warming of the earth.
       B- The Amazon in its role after offering large amounts of fresh water and conservation of species that only exist there.
      C- These plants without being completely discovered could have positive effects on medicine and thus help millions of people.

V-Body paragraph IV: Finally, in the case of governments, they are those that have the most important role to take care of this entire system that is increasingly threatened. 
A- The role they have is fundamental from the politics and the penalty for the destruction of this, already In the case of these events that affect the jungle.
B- They are caused by private companies where there is great corruption, the movement of indigenous people has been observed for the respect of their lands where they have their own customs of life.
C-We already know what the lung of the world means to us and in all that it helps us to overcome and reduce.

VI- Conclusion: In conclusion, the jungle is a natural resource that has no price, in which we already observe the importance of caring for it not simply for the plants and species that inhabit it, it is very important to maintain it due to climate change and the carbon dioxide that affects the layer. of ozone, it is important that countries achieve more commitment and that they are not corrupt in the face of private companies that have a great influence in these situations.

The importance of the world's lung in South America:

"The earth loves our footsteps and fears our hands". Joaquín Araújo. The Amazon known as the lung of the world is increasingly in danger, we will talk about how important the Amazon is for the world, also in the danger that the Amazon is, its wealth that it has for the world, we must take into account Note that this has great relevance and importance and every day it is losing part of our green lung in the world.

The importance of the Amazon is not a new issue on the international agenda since we know up to different summits, we can mention that the purpose of these summits is to raise awareness and reach an agreement for the reduction of pollution and gases, one of the main summits that We have of real importance is the summit of the earth in which its purpose is to evaluate progress and take into account the importance of helping the environment for health reasons and to take care of our future generations.

It is necessary to take care of the Amazon one for its natural wealth, in this case where thousands of fires attack the Amazon jungle, it is difficult to imagine the thousands of quantities of species that are in danger and we can mention this from species of plants to species of animals, like the different indigenous communities that inhabit the place, every year this situation increases where each time fires and deforestation take more kilometers, the role of private companies is important since they occupy to put factories or streets where they are looking for "development".

The Amazon helps us by absorbing millions of tons of carbon dioxide, where this jungle works to reduce the amount of greenhouse effect, in addition to this it helps against climate change and warming of the earth, the Amazon in its role after offering large amounts of fresh water and conservation of species that only exist there, in addition these plants without being completely discovered could have positive effects on medicine and thus help millions of people.

Finally, in the case of governments, they are those that have the most important role to take care of this entire system that is increasingly threatened, the role they have is fundamental from the politics and the penalty for the destruction of this, already In the case of these events that affect the jungle, they are caused by private companies where there is great corruption, the movement of indigenous people has been observed for the respect of their lands where they have their own customs of life and we already know what the lung of the world means to us and in all that it helps us to overcome and reduce.

In conclusion, the jungle is a natural resource that has no price, in which we already observe the importance of caring for it not simply for the plants and species that inhabit it, it is very important to maintain it due to climate change and the carbon dioxide that affects the layer. of ozone, it is important that countries achieve more commitment and that they are not corrupt in the face of private companies that have a great influence in these situations.

Lung: An open space in a town or city, where people can breathe fresher air.
Indigenus: Originating or occurring naturally in a particular place; native.
Summit: A meeting between heads of government.

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