miércoles, 5 de mayo de 2021

Admission Essay



The addmison essay or personal statement is a general argument of someone's background, preparation or goals. 

1- Introduction: The introduction is the most important part, specially in the first sentence, the first sentence should be unique and compelling and the first sentence may explain to desire to study the subject of og interest.

2- Body: In this paragraph you have to provied detailed evidence to support your statements, each paragraph should have a transition and resolution, you have to put a short summary of educational background can be discussed in the 1st paragraph of the body.

3- Conclusion: The conclusion is the last paragraph of the essay, you have to mention key points in the body.

Tips on how to write an admission essay:

1- You have in mind the key points that will help you to be clear the ideas.
2- You have to be the must clearly that you can.
3- You try to use to correct academic lenguage, grammar and formality.


Topic: International relations at the best university
I-  Introduction:"Motivation is what gets you going, habit is what keeps you going" (Jim Ryun). A history university in which it did not cross my mind to study in another, always looking forward to that great university, with a large number of careers, a difficult decision whether to be able to enter that university and know that I want to study, hoping to be able to enter that university. college.
II- Body paragraph I:
III- Body paragraph II:First I will talk about my degrees of study starting to study at the Colegio Centro America. 
A-In 2007 I decided to study at the Liceo Salvadoreño where I was only one year and finally 
   B-I went to the school that I liked the most of all, which is the Colegio Cristobal Colon, Faced with the situation and necessity of this world
 C-I studied English classes at the Salvadoran American Cultural Center in which I studied for approximately 5 years.
IV-Body paragraph II: I decided to study International Relations, around a world where international events caught my attention.
A- Seeing ambassadors moving around the world, the work of International Organizations, in 2013.
B- I entered the University of El Salvador, with great experience, where impressed with all subjects and graduates.
V- Body paragraph III: The International Relations career is very interesting from the beginning to see issues that are not expected, in which they have an order, from looking at theories to processes and history.
A- The career I think is very complete, I see it quite important that the university make an effort in make graduates listen to exponents from different countries.
B-I see that this is very important for the motivation of the student.
V-Conclusion: In conclusion, studying at the best University in El Salvador is a source of pride, just like studying International Relations, where graduates teach us so many things, the career is very beautiful and interesting.

International relations at the best university

"Motivation is what gets you going, habit is what keeps you going" (Jim Ryun). A history university in which it did not cross my mind to study in another, always looking forward to that great university, with a large number of careers, a difficult decision whether to be able to enter that university and know that I want to study, hoping to be able to enter that university. college.

First I will talk about my degrees of study starting to study at the Colegio Centro America, then in 2007 I decided to study at the Liceo Salvadoreño where I was only one year and finally I went to the school that I liked the most of all, which is the Colegio Cristobal Colon, Faced with the situation and necessity of this world, I studied English classes at the Salvadoran American Cultural Center in which I studied for approximately 5 years.

I decided to study International Relations, around a world where international events caught my attention, seeing ambassadors moving around the world, the work of International Organizations, in 2013 I entered the University of El Salvador, with great experience, where impressed with all subjects and graduates.

The International Relations career is very interesting from the beginning to see issues that are not expected, in which they have an order, from looking at theories to processes and history, the career I think is very complete, I see it quite important that the university make an effort in make graduates listen to exponents from different countries, I see that this is very important for the motivation of the student.

In conclusion, studying at the best University in El Salvador is a source of pride, just like studying International Relations, where graduates teach us so many things, the career is very beautiful and interesting, it is important to take into account that the effort of students is important to make the University of El Salvador the best.

Source: A place, person, or thing from which something comes or can be obtained.
       Background: The area or scenery behind the main object of contemplation, especially when perceived as a framework for it.

1- College Admission Essay – Professional Writing Tips”. College-Pages. https://college-

2- Ph.D. Tara Kuther. How to Write the Graduate Admissions Essay. ThoughtCo.
Accessed on 24th April, 2021.
3-  Ph.D. Tara Kuther. How to Write Your Graduate School Admissions Essay.

ThoughtCo. https://www.thoughtco.com/graduate-school-admissions-personal-
statement-1686133. Accessed on 28th April, 2021.

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