lunes, 3 de mayo de 2021




This essays is one of the most common essay but this are really important for differents studies, that is why that essay explain the different effects of different actions they wait a some answer to result the problem.

Characteristic of that essay:

1- This essay try to organize and discuss ideas.

2- This essay analyzes the reasons or antecedents and then effects the consequences.

3-These type of essay comtemplate several causes or effects of a problem.

The process to developing your cause-effect essay:

1- Choosing a topic: (Relevance, Clarity, Precision, Meaning and Interests).

2. Brainstorming.

3- Distinguishing the causes and effects.
4- Create an outline.
5-Creating thesis statement.
6- Collect supporting data.
7- Writting the essay with appropiate transactions.
(Because, Because of, Due to, Another is, Since, As and For).
(Consequently, As a result, Therefore, A result is, The cause of, The reason for)

Tips for writting this type of essay:
1- You have to define the type of essay to be performed.
2- You have to include examples in the essay.
3- Making a mental map or brainstorm that will can hel u with the essential points.
4- Include the most important causes and consequences to give value to the essay.


Some topics for your essay:
1- The corruption in Central America (cause-effect)
2- Cold war (cause-effect)
3- Cuban revolutions (cause-effect)
4- Salvadorean Civil War (cause-effect)

Topic: Corruption in Central America:
I-  Introduction: How much does corruption affect the development of countries? We begin with this question around the experience that has been previously lived in Central America in recent years, where millions of dollars are stolen each year, affected in a great way to these countries, we are going to analyze the corruption index, as it has been developing and on what these movements that leave the country in poor condition are based.
II- Body paragraph I: As a first point, corruption in Central America is seen throughout all countries.
 A- The entity in charge of observing these details is the International Transparency Organization (IT)
 B-It is important to take into account the relevance of the institutions for the fight against corruption.
C- In our reality we see how corruption directly affects us when millions of dollars are stolen and leaves the country in a bad position where it is interpreted that it is not a safe country and with good institutions.
III- Body paragraph II: Secondly, corruption makes countries have less opportunity in different aspects.    
   A-Such as the attractiveness of foreign investment, it makes them less attractive for developed countries in loans,
   B- Directly before corruption, the population is the most affected since Those millions of dollars can be invested in social programs, education or health,
    C- In the Central American case we find Nicaragua as the most corrupt country, and in the aspect of the continent we find Venezuela.
IV-Body paragraph III: Some solutions in which we can find is the responsibility of government authorities to make processes with transparency.
A-Many times in small municipalities and the president themselves for years steal
B- Creating that development is affected in many ways, the role of the Institutions is very important since these are the entity that enforce the laws in one way or another.
C- It is important that these are well strengthened and organized.

V-Conclusion: To end corruption has not changed in recent years, it always maintains the same positions worldwide in corruption, it is to work continuously to stop correction in a safe way, where the State institutions can respond to these problems in a way with transparency and thus improve our position in the level of corruption and invest that money in programs that do help the developing country.
Corruption in Central America
How much does corruption affect the development of countries? We begin with this question around the experience that has been previously lived in Central America in recent years, where millions of dollars are stolen each year, affected in a great way to these countries, we are going to analyze the corruption index, as it has been developing and on what these movements that leave the country in poor condition are based.

As a first point, corruption in Central America is seen throughout all countries, the entity in charge of observing these details is the International Transparency Organization (IT), it is important to take into account the relevance of the institutions for the fight against corruption. In our reality we see how corruption directly affects us when millions of dollars are stolen and leaves the country in a bad position where it is interpreted that it is not a safe country and with good institutions.

Secondly, corruption makes countries have less opportunity in different aspects, such as the attractiveness of foreign investment, it makes them less attractive for developed countries in loans, directly before corruption, the population is the most affected since Those millions of dollars can be invested in social programs, education or health, in the Central American case we find Nicaragua as the most corrupt country, and in the aspect of the continent we find Venezuela.

Some solutions in which we can find is the responsibility of government authorities to make processes with transparency, many times in small municipalities and the president themselves for years steal, creating that development is affected in many ways, the role of the Institutions is very important since these are the entity that enforce the laws in one way or another, it is important that these are well strengthened and organized.

To end corruption has not changed in recent years, it always maintains the same positions worldwide in corruption, it is to work continuously to stop correction in a safe way, where the State institutions can respond to these problems in a way with transparency and thus improve our position in the level of corruption and invest that money in programs that do help the developing country.

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