lunes, 3 de mayo de 2021

Classification Essay

 Classification Essay:

In this type of essay we are organized the information and things into specific categories, you have to give some examples of them.

Important aspects:
 In the introduction you have to spececific the to topic or of the group are you describing, in the introduction you have to give some specific details because they are attract the reader.

The structure of Classification essay:

Tips for writing Classification essay:
1- You have to know about the assigment.
2- you need to have a good argument.
3- You have to use your own words.
4- Try to make a good impression.

Topic: Evolution of the cooperation post covid-19


"“Either be oppressed, repressive, or willingly cooperate for the highest good of all. There is no other possible alternative; and anarchists are naturally, and cannot not be, in favor of deliberate and free cooperation. " (Errico Malasteta).There are different modes of cooperation where we can find different regions such as North-South, South-South and triangular cooperation. Each of these has its own characteristics in how they give aid, given the current situation the level of aid from the countries has increased since they had to request many loans, an important actor on the international scene is the Official Aid for Development ( OAD) since they are in charge of evaluating the countries and seeing how that help can be reached. These different dynamics of cooperation will be studied and their transformation after covid-19 will be seen.
II.Body paragraph 1: North-South

Topic sentence: In the first place we find the North-South cooperation that over the years was characterized by giving monetary resources, where the dynamics with these countries were with loans or money in projects

A. In the face of the covid situation we managed to highlight that the cooperation of the North and the south is seen in a dynamic in which these poor countries can face the situation of covid-19.
B. The aid that was thought to be reduced has not had so much effect, it is important to take into account that the aid that these countries give is to improve and sustain the situation in the most damaged countries.

III.Body paragrapah 2: South-South 

Topic sentence: Second, the South-South cooperation could be said to be one of the most affected since its particular characteristic is the exchange of information and learning.

A. The dynamics of this cooperation came to establish the need to use technology in its favor, where Video conferences have taken an important role to continue with the agenda as planned.
B. It is good to know that South-South cooperation has taken its place in continuing to support the exchange of valuable information.

IV.Body paragraph 3: South-South triangular

Topic sentence: Finally we have the triangular cooperation in which it offers technical or human assistance, this cooperation is given by a country that finances.

A. A clear example of this is USAID that with the help of the Chilean Ministry of Economy helped El Salvador.
B. THis type of Currently we have observed very limited cooperation but in certain conversations it can have a more important role for the development of the countries and thus stop being vulnerable to different crises.

V. Conclusion: To conclude the situation of covid 19 the aid methodology came to change, where it was not known if the aid was going to continue, it was going to decrease or it was going to increase, it is important to follow all these types of aid and how they change and their approach , the situation of covid-19 brings with it new methods and new visions for development.

Evolution of the cooperation post covid-19:

"“Either be oppressed, repressive, or willingly cooperate for the highest good of all. There is no other possible alternative; and anarchists are naturally, and cannot not be, in favor of deliberate and free cooperation. " (Errico Malasteta).There are different modes of cooperation where we can find different regions such as North-South, South-South and triangular cooperation. Each of these has its own characteristics in how they give aid, given the current situation the level of aid from the countries has increased since they had to request many loans, an important actor on the international scene is the Official Aid for Development ( OAD) since they are in charge of evaluating the countries and seeing how that help can be reached. These different dynamics of cooperation will be studied and their transformation after covid-19 will be seen.

In the first place we find the North-South cooperation that over the years was characterized by giving monetary resources, where the dynamics with these countries were with loans or money in projects, in the face of the covid situation we managed to highlight that the cooperation of the North and the south is seen in a dynamic in which these poor countries can face the situation of covid-19, the aid that was thought to be reduced has not had so much effect, it is important to take into account that the aid that these countries give is to improve and sustain the situation in the most damaged countries.

Second, the South-South cooperation could be said to be one of the most affected since its particular characteristic is the exchange of information and learning, the dynamics of this cooperation came to establish the need to use technology in its favor, where Video conferences have taken an important role to continue with the agenda as planned, it is good to know that South-South cooperation has taken its place in continuing to support the exchange of valuable information.

Finally we have the triangular cooperation in which it offers technical or human assistance, this cooperation is given by a country that finances, a clear example of this is USAID that with the help of the Chilean Ministry of Economy helped El Salvador, this type of Currently we have observed very limited cooperation but in certain conversations it can have a more important role for the development of the countries and thus stop being vulnerable to different crises.

To conclude the situation of covid 19 the aid methodology came to change, where it was not known if the aid was going to continue, it was going to decrease or it was going to increase, it is important to follow all these types of aid and how they change and their approach , the situation of covid-19 brings with it new methods and new visions for development.

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