lunes, 3 de mayo de 2021

Constrast/Comparison Essay

 Constrast/Comparison essay:


In this essay we need to make a comparison between two similes or opposite, in this case is really important to see the relationship between both of them that is work for the conclusion.

Characteristic of that essay:

1- The aim of this essay is to examine how things are like.

2- You have to see the similarities and the differences.

3- Is very usual that be use in the university to compare two theories.

Some conjuctions that will indicate contrast are:


-On the other hand

-Even so



Some conjuctions that will indicate similarities are:




-To be alike

-To compare

To most efficiently to compare and contrast two or mote things is the: VENN DIAGRAM:

Structure of the Constrast/Comparison essay:
1- Point by point or Block.
Some topics for your essay:

General topics: Two historical periods or events, two ideas or theories, two people.

IR Topics: Theories of International Relations, IWW and IIWW, Capitalism and Socialism.

 Tips for writting:

1- Try to explain three or more major elements about the subjects.

2-Remenber to compared and contrasted the topics.

3- Make a venn diagram

4- Make sure your reader can easily tell what going on in the essay


Topic: Capitalism and Socialism
I-  Introduction: "Socialism is the long and winding road from capitalism to capitalism." (Marlene.Moleon), A comparison between two systems: the capitalist and the socialist, key aspects of these systems will be mentioned, at the same time their greatest exponents and how their vision of the world is, it is important to study this topic to know a little more about the systems most compared in the world. 
II- Body paragraph I: At first we find capitalism and socialism in which they are the two most controversial aspects in the world.
  A- we can mention that capitalism is based on the free market and defends economic freedom, in the case of socialism the state controls the economy and seeks to reduce social inequality.
B- Among the main defenders of capitalism are Richard Cantillon and Adam Smith, in the case of socialism are Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels and Lenin.
   C-At first glance we see that these two systems are very contradictory in quite terms more than all it is economic aspects.
III- Body paragraph II: As a second point we can mention that not everything is difference since in the religious aspect both allow freedom of religion.
A- As well as employment, marriage among other things, in the case of capitalism we know that production is privately owned.
B-In the case of socialism, they are social property, in the case of political aspects, liberalism, neoliberalism, among others.
C- Stand out in capitalism, and communism and socialism in socialism.
IV-Body paragraph III: Finally, different powers in the world manage these systems in the case of capitalism and its maximum exponent is the United States. 
 A- In the case of socialism we find that its constitutions protect the working class and some examples are China, Cuba, North Korea. , Vietnam among others. 
     B-These countries have set their trends with respect to the systems that we have mentioned above
C-It is interesting to see how they are organized and in different ways and how some obtain advantages in other aspects than the opposite system.
V-Conclusion: To conclude two systems that came to dominate the world in different regions, they are systems that have remained and have been re-evolving and applying differently to countries, capitalism as the largest system found in all countries in any way and socialism in search of having a space more and more in different countries.

Capitalism and Socialism
"Socialism is the long and winding road from capitalism to capitalism." (Marlene.Moleon), A comparison between two systems: the capitalist and the socialist, key aspects of these systems will be mentioned, at the same time their greatest exponents and how their vision of the world is, it is important to study this topic to know a little more about the systems most compared in the world. 

At first we find capitalism and socialism in which they are the two most controversial aspects in the world, we can mention that capitalism is based on the free market and defends economic freedom, in the case of socialism the state controls the economy and seeks to reduce social inequality, among the main defenders of capitalism are Richard Cantillon and Adam Smith, in the case of socialism are Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels and Lenin, at first glance we see that these two systems are very contradictory in quite terms more than all it is economic aspects.

As a second point we can mention that not everything is difference since in the religious aspect both allow freedom of religion, as well as employment, marriage among other things, in the case of capitalism we know that production is privately owned and In the case of socialism, they are social property, in the case of political aspects, liberalism, neoliberalism, among others, stand out in capitalism, and communism and socialism in socialism.

Finally, different powers in the world manage these systems in the case of capitalism and its maximum exponent is the United States, in the case of socialism we find that its constitutions protect the working class and some examples are China, Cuba, North Korea. , Vietnam among others. These countries have set their trends with respect to the systems that we have mentioned above, it is interesting to see how they are organized and in different ways and how some obtain advantages in other aspects than the opposite system.

To conclude two systems that came to dominate the world in different regions, they are systems that have remained and have been re-evolving and applying differently to countries, capitalism as the largest system found in all countries in any way and socialism in search of having a space more and more in different countries.

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