lunes, 3 de mayo de 2021

Exploratory Essay

 Exploratory Essay:

   In this type of essay is a short piece of writing, you have to examined some idea or problem, the purpose of that essay is to show you different point of view to inform a situation.

Characteristics of that essay:
1-This an short article.
2- Not contain opinions.
3- This essay not try to convince the reader.
4- They have to describe weh, how and why.

Structure of that essay:
 In this part you have to give some key terms of your topic and describe them. That is works to get more interested in the problem.
Some tips about the introduction:
1- The firts sentence should be short.
2- Try to use "you" word at the beginning.
3-Show that the issue.
4- Make the introduction breif.

2- Body paragraph: 
In this paragraph you have to expressed your point of view and you have to give important imformation. The body paragraph have two parts one of them is: Firts body paragraph ( In this paragraph you have to provide information) and the other one is Second body paragraph ( Should be more bigger than the previos one, you have to explore the topic.

Some connectors that can you use to start the second body paragraph:
Position 1: Many people believe...
Position 2: Other people would contend...
Position 3: Another way to look at this question is....

3- Conclusion: 
In this part you have to should return the reader to the introduction, the reader can be challenged to draw his own conclusion through a quetion about his own opinion.


Topic: The role of International Organizations in the covid 19 situation:

I-  Introduction: Do International Organizations have a real effect on the countries? The different International Organizations were created as a help forum where the problems would be heard, among other things, they would talk about the main International Organizations that have the greatest prestige in the world, in turn, the role that these Organizations take to help the different countries or how they are influenced by them.
II- Body paragraph I: International Organizations since ancient times have seen different unions that did not succeed in establishing themselves as an organism, but they do work together in a way to defend themselves from foreign enemies. 
A- It is important to mention the first reference that we have, which is the Congress of Vienna of 1815, where they began. 
B- Gradually the notion of creating more international organizations for the mutual cooperation of the States, before this in each moment of history the organizations are changing their methodology and the birth of new ones.

III- Body paragraph II:In the current context, the World Health Organization (WHO), another highly relevant actor is the United Nations Organization (UN), the Secretary of the United Nations, Antonio Gutierrez, expresses the importance of communication. 
A- In the case of the World Health Organization, it mentions several strategies for the covid-19 situation, the United Nations has a voice where it asks for support from the countries, either in a humanitarian way or in another way. 
B- The work of the UN has It has been very great since it contacts different non-governmental organizations for their cooperation and to reach these countries mainly affected by the covid-19 pandemic. 
IV-Body paragraph III: In the case of another international organization that was highly involved in the context of COVID-19, it is the World Bank (WB). 
A- Where it has a set of objective parameters in which the first consists of saving lives, protecting the poor, guaranteeing the increase, sustainable businesses, the agenda has changed from one moment to another.
 B-The World Bank assumed the role of helping in this case the World Bank helps with 14,000 million to help the economies and protect employment in these most vulnerable countries where thousands of companies They ended up closing, in addition to helping in business aspects as well in public health.

V- Body paragraph IV: As a last point, the role of international organizations in this context, where, for example, the Pan American Health Organization, the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean, the Inter-American Development Bank, among others. 
A- Where they seek to work together so that the effects What does the covid-19 bring with it, do not happen in the long term, a great concern that does not reach the aid for all countries, for that reason I recommend that the inputs given be used in the best way so that it does not bring negative effects in the countries.
B-They also make a call to civil society and the government in general, where it is a job that has to be done together and their participation is necessary, the aid panorama is seen in a positive way but there are nerves before the solution.

VI-Conclusion: In conclusion, international organizations have had a difficult task in knowing how to help countries, not only with money but also humanitarian aid and supplies to fight against covid-19, the countries where the aid is going have to know their points Where else does the aid have to go so that they become stronger and not just any crisis affects them in a direct way, the work will continue and the most affected countries will continue to get help, more and more challenges appear to the new international agenda.

The role of International Organizations in the covid 19 situation:
Do International Organizations have a real effect on the countries? The different International Organizations were created as a help forum where the problems would be heard, among other things, they would talk about the main International Organizations that have the greatest prestige in the world, in turn, the role that these Organizations take to help the different countries or how they are influenced by them.

International Organizations since ancient times have seen different unions that did not succeed in establishing themselves as an organism, but they do work together in a way to defend themselves from foreign enemies, it is important to mention the first reference that we have, which is the Congress of Vienna of 1815, where they began. gradually the notion of creating more international organizations for the mutual cooperation of the States, before this in each moment of history the organizations are changing their methodology and the birth of new ones.

In the current context, the World Health Organization (WHO), another highly relevant actor is the United Nations Organization (UN), the Secretary of the United Nations, Antonio Gutierrez, expresses the importance of communication. In the case of the World Health Organization, it mentions several strategies for the covid-19 situation, the United Nations has a voice where it asks for support from the countries, either in a humanitarian way or in another way, The work of the UN has It has been very great since it contacts different non-governmental organizations for their cooperation and to reach these countries mainly affected by the covid-19 pandemic.

In the case of another international organization that was highly involved in the context of COVID-19, it is the World Bank (WB), where it has a set of objective parameters in which the first consists of saving lives, protecting the poor, guaranteeing the increase. . sustainable businesses, the agenda has changed from one moment to another and the World Bank assumed the role of helping in this case the World Bank helps with 14,000 million to help the economies and protect employment in these most vulnerable countries where thousands of companies They ended up closing, in addition to helping in business aspects as well in public health.

As a last point, the role of international organizations in this context, where, for example, the Pan American Health Organization, the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean, the Inter-American Development Bank, among others, where they seek to work together so that the effects What does the covid-19 bring with it, do not happen in the long term, a great concern that does not reach the aid for all countries, for that reason I recommend that the inputs given be used in the best way so that it does not bring negative effects in the countries They also make a call to civil society and the government in general, where it is a job that has to be done together and their participation is necessary, the aid panorama is seen in a positive way but there are nerves before the solution.

In conclusion, international organizations have had a difficult task in knowing how to help countries, not only with money but also humanitarian aid and supplies to fight against covid-19, the countries where the aid is going have to know their points Where else does the aid have to go so that they become stronger and not just any crisis affects them in a direct way, the work will continue and the most affected countries will continue to get help, more and more challenges appear to the new international agenda.

Among: Surrounded by; in the company of.

Themselves: Used as the object of a verb or preposition to refer to a group of people or things previously mentioned as the subject of the clause.

Supply: Make (something needed or wanted) available to someone; provide.

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