miércoles, 5 de mayo de 2021

Admission Essay



The addmison essay or personal statement is a general argument of someone's background, preparation or goals. 

1- Introduction: The introduction is the most important part, specially in the first sentence, the first sentence should be unique and compelling and the first sentence may explain to desire to study the subject of og interest.

2- Body: In this paragraph you have to provied detailed evidence to support your statements, each paragraph should have a transition and resolution, you have to put a short summary of educational background can be discussed in the 1st paragraph of the body.

3- Conclusion: The conclusion is the last paragraph of the essay, you have to mention key points in the body.

Tips on how to write an admission essay:

1- You have in mind the key points that will help you to be clear the ideas.
2- You have to be the must clearly that you can.
3- You try to use to correct academic lenguage, grammar and formality.


Topic: International relations at the best university
I-  Introduction:"Motivation is what gets you going, habit is what keeps you going" (Jim Ryun). A history university in which it did not cross my mind to study in another, always looking forward to that great university, with a large number of careers, a difficult decision whether to be able to enter that university and know that I want to study, hoping to be able to enter that university. college.
II- Body paragraph I:
III- Body paragraph II:First I will talk about my degrees of study starting to study at the Colegio Centro America. 
A-In 2007 I decided to study at the Liceo Salvadoreño where I was only one year and finally 
   B-I went to the school that I liked the most of all, which is the Colegio Cristobal Colon, Faced with the situation and necessity of this world
 C-I studied English classes at the Salvadoran American Cultural Center in which I studied for approximately 5 years.
IV-Body paragraph II: I decided to study International Relations, around a world where international events caught my attention.
A- Seeing ambassadors moving around the world, the work of International Organizations, in 2013.
B- I entered the University of El Salvador, with great experience, where impressed with all subjects and graduates.
V- Body paragraph III: The International Relations career is very interesting from the beginning to see issues that are not expected, in which they have an order, from looking at theories to processes and history.
A- The career I think is very complete, I see it quite important that the university make an effort in make graduates listen to exponents from different countries.
B-I see that this is very important for the motivation of the student.
V-Conclusion: In conclusion, studying at the best University in El Salvador is a source of pride, just like studying International Relations, where graduates teach us so many things, the career is very beautiful and interesting.

International relations at the best university

"Motivation is what gets you going, habit is what keeps you going" (Jim Ryun). A history university in which it did not cross my mind to study in another, always looking forward to that great university, with a large number of careers, a difficult decision whether to be able to enter that university and know that I want to study, hoping to be able to enter that university. college.

First I will talk about my degrees of study starting to study at the Colegio Centro America, then in 2007 I decided to study at the Liceo Salvadoreño where I was only one year and finally I went to the school that I liked the most of all, which is the Colegio Cristobal Colon, Faced with the situation and necessity of this world, I studied English classes at the Salvadoran American Cultural Center in which I studied for approximately 5 years.

I decided to study International Relations, around a world where international events caught my attention, seeing ambassadors moving around the world, the work of International Organizations, in 2013 I entered the University of El Salvador, with great experience, where impressed with all subjects and graduates.

The International Relations career is very interesting from the beginning to see issues that are not expected, in which they have an order, from looking at theories to processes and history, the career I think is very complete, I see it quite important that the university make an effort in make graduates listen to exponents from different countries, I see that this is very important for the motivation of the student.

In conclusion, studying at the best University in El Salvador is a source of pride, just like studying International Relations, where graduates teach us so many things, the career is very beautiful and interesting, it is important to take into account that the effort of students is important to make the University of El Salvador the best.

Source: A place, person, or thing from which something comes or can be obtained.
       Background: The area or scenery behind the main object of contemplation, especially when perceived as a framework for it.

1- College Admission Essay – Professional Writing Tips”. College-Pages. https://college-

2- Ph.D. Tara Kuther. How to Write the Graduate Admissions Essay. ThoughtCo.
Accessed on 24th April, 2021.
3-  Ph.D. Tara Kuther. How to Write Your Graduate School Admissions Essay.

ThoughtCo. https://www.thoughtco.com/graduate-school-admissions-personal-
statement-1686133. Accessed on 28th April, 2021.

Scholarship Essay:


This essay usually works to enter in the university, in this type of essay you have to talk about yourself, your aspirations, what things you like, the importance to know about the essay in this case.

Essay elements:
1- Introduction:  In this essay you have to make your intro short, the quotation might work as a lead for your essay but many other essay writers will have the same idea.

2- Body: (Give examples about yourself) the body paragraph is the more biggest part of an essay, your body paragraph should have three paragraph, in this part you explained your topic.

3- Conclusion: The conclusion is only one paragraph, conclude the main idea of your essay briefly in this paragraph.

The top 4 most common scholarship essay prompts are:
1- Tell us about you
2- How have you contributed to your community, or what community service have you provided?
3-Why do you want to study?
4- Why do you deserve this scholarship?
5- How will this scholarship help you?

Tips fot the essay:
1- You have to writte your essay in 3rd person.
3- References.
4-No typos.


Topic: The importance of the study
I-  Introduction: "Don't let what you can't do interfere with what you can do" (John R. Wooden). Currently we can observe that in different countries of Latin America it is common for people to stop studying or have difficult access to education, each year millions of dollars are invested in education, for them it is possible to observe an increase in the number of students and the motivation of all of them to go out and achieve it.
II- Body paragraph I: Education opens many doors, as in this subject the importance of education where it allows development in the countries.
A-  Usually there are different factors that intervene in the decision of students to want to continue studying or not, among the elements that we can mention 
B- The population with the most difficulty of financial resources are the most affected in terms of studies since it is difficult for them to have access.
III- Body paragraph II: Education is mostly affected in rural areas, where a first point is that there are few schools.
A- These schools affect the transport factor, since not all people have access to transportation to be able to go to study.
IV-Body paragraph III: Is important that different projects are developed where education is supported, more in areas that people have difficult access.
A- Is already considered that this is one of the factors that most influence students to stop studying Likewise.
V-Conclusion: Finally, education is a really important factor in all countries, where it is a right and this has to be delivered, the role of the government is really important.

The importance of the study:

"Don't let what you can't do interfere with what you can do" (John R. Wooden). Currently we can observe that in different countries of Latin America it is common for people to stop studying or have difficult access to education, each year millions of dollars are invested in education, for them it is possible to observe an increase in the number of students and the motivation of all of them to go out and achieve it.

Education opens many doors, as in this subject the importance of education where it allows development in the countries, usually there are different factors that intervene in the decision of students to want to continue studying or not, among the elements that we can mention , the population with the most difficulty of financial resources are the most affected in terms of studies since it is difficult for them to have access.

Second, education is mostly affected in rural areas, where a first point is that there are few schools, another point is that these schools affect the transport factor, since not all people have access to transportation to be able to go to study, another point is that field work prevails and from a very young age children are put to work, where they do not finish studying, they are real factors that are not only lived in a country but throughout Latin America These are real cases that little by little.

As a last point, it is important that different projects are developed where education is supported, more in areas that people have difficult access, it is already considered that this is one of the factors that most influence students to stop studying Likewise, the increase in schools is important and in conditions that are suitable for children and young people who wish to study since many want but few have the opportunity to join a school to continue their studies, in university terms we also see the deficiency since there are few universities in the country and that people have access by looking very far.

Finally, education is a really important factor in all countries, where it is a right and this has to be delivered, the role of the government is really important as the executor of projects, young people are the most affected, where their needs They change and look for any job and leave the study for more issues such as the need for food and a home, it is necessary to invest money in these programs to further support the education sector.

Further: At, to, or by a greater distance (used to indicate the extent to which one thing or person is or becomes distant from another).
 Suitable: Right or appropriate for a particular person, purpose, or situation.

 LIKEWISE: In the same way; also.

1. “A Complete Guide of Writing a Scholarship Essay Format and Structure”. Buycollegeessay team. https://buycollegeessay.org/blog/scholarship-essay-

2. Capp, Hayley. How to Write a Winning Scholarship Essay, QuacquarelliSymonds. 2021. https://www.topuniversities.com/student-info/scholarship-

3. How to Write a Scholarship Essay and Win BIG. 2021. Scholly.
4. How to Write a Scholarship Essay: Complete Guide + Examples. Collage Essay
Guy, https://www.collegeessayguy.com/
5. Mary Firestone. Essay Prompt: Definition. https://study.com/

lunes, 3 de mayo de 2021

Problem Solution Essay


Problem-solution essays consider the problems of a particular situation, and give solutions to those problems. They are in some ways similar to cause-and-effect essays, especially in terms of structure.

 Problem-solution essays are actually a sub-type of another type of essay, which.

Has the following four components:

2- Problem
3- Solution
4- Evaluation

Tips for writing a good problem solution essay:
1-If it is an unkonw problemm, you will need to explain in detail.
2- Tell a tru-life story about the problem.
3- Explain your solution clearly.
4- Tell the reader what should happen.
5- Describe how the situation will change if your plan is adopted.

Steps to writing a problem-solution essay:
1- Identify and explain the problem using concise language and providing the examples.
2- Investigate origins of the problem and how it has appeared in society.
3- Demonstrate the possible outcome of the problem; this part will function as a call to action for your audience.

Graphic organizer:
Structure of that essay:
1-Introduction: Situation (In this case we can found the hook and the thesis statement in the introduction).
2- Body Paragraph: Problem ( In this case we can found the topic sentence, the supporting sentence 1 and supporting sentence 2).
3- Body Paragraph: Solution ( In this case we can found the topic sentence, the suppporting sentence 1 and the supporting sentence 2).
4- Body Paragraph: Evalution ( In this case we can found the topic sentence, the supporting sentence 1 and the supporting sentence 2).
5- Conclusion: Recommendation (In this case we can found only the concluding sentence).


Topic: Little Effort to Keep the Streets Clean in San Salvador
Essay Outline
1. Introduction: Situation

A. Hook: “This growing mountain of garbage and trash represents not only an attitude of indifference toward valuable natural resources, but also a serious economic and public health problem.”, (Jimmy Carter).
B. Thesis: Promoting a culture of order and cleanliness has several challenges for people, the private sector and the state. There are different strategies to guarantee order in the cleanliness of the streets and communities of San Salvador.

2. Body Paragraph: Problem

A. Topic Sentence: In El Salvador, from the 2000s to the present, there has been a serious problem in organizing and promoting the culture of cleanliness in the streets and communities of San Salvador.
B. Supporting Sentence 1: It generates conflicts with people due to the bad smell of waste in the streets.
C. Supporting Sentence 2: The problem is not only for private companies that dump toxic waste into rivers or factories that generate heavy waste pollution, but it also depends on the individual people who circulate every day and the state.

3. Body Paragraph: Solution

A. Topic Sentence: Additionally, it is necessary to have a better organization with the private sector and the government, the private sector and the government to carry out educational campaigns and promote the benefits of a clean and pollution-free life.
B. Supporting Sentence 1: Equally important we can promote as a society a culture of cleanliness in the streets or try to not throw away the trash in unauthorized places.
C. Supporting Sentence 2: Lastly this aspect is about the private companies doing projects that damage the environment and generate waste that is harmful to humans.

4. Body Paragraph: Evaluation

A. Topic Sentence: Accordingly, the effectiveness of the proposals depends on how realistic the goals initially proposed are to keep the city clean.
B. Supporting Sentence 1: The solutions always work when u take the responsibility, the first point one of the most effective action is: A population more educated with the environment where the people no fall the trash everywhere.
C. Supporting Sentence 2: The government should create campaigns to let people know the problem they cause when throwing garbage.

5. Conclusion: Recommendation

A. Concluding Sentence: Finally, it can be seen how important a culture of cleanliness is, not only for the vision of tourism, but also for health, social and even economic issues, thus avoiding problems such as pandemics, floods, etc.

Essay Draft
“This growing mountain of garbage and trash represents not only an attitude of indifference toward valuable natural resources, but also a serious economic and public health problem.”, (Jimmy Carter). In fact, the accumulation of garbage is a serious problem causing illness, bad smells in the community and the contamination of the air, water and land. In this essay, some solutions to the problem of garbage in the community will be given to keep the streets clean and avoid the consequences of the problem. Promoting a culture of order and cleanliness has several challenges for people, the private sector and the state. There are different strategies to guarantee order in the cleanliness of the streets and communities of San Salvador.

First, in El Salvador from the 2000s to the present, there has been a serious problem in organizing and promoting the culture of cleanliness in the streets and communities of San Salvador. It generates conflicts with people due to the bad smell of waste in the streets. Problem can harm people's health. In San Salvador there is a great variety of companies and people who often do not have the social responsibility of respecting the good cleaning of neighborhood streets. Foreign people can get a bad reputation and tourism affects the promotion of sales to businesses in el Salvador. The problem is not only for private companies that dump toxic waste into rivers or factories that generate heavy waste pollution, but it also depends on the individual people who circulate every day and the state. Data from the General Directorate of Environmental Sanitation, of the Ministry of the Environment, indicate that only in San Salvador an approximate of 189 thousand tons of garbage are collected per year. All in all, it is clear that San Salvador needs solutions for all this garbage that produce.

Additionally, it is necessary to have a better organization with the private sector and the government, the private sector and the government to carry out educational campaigns and promote the benefits of a clean and pollution-free life. Equally important we can promote as a society a culture of cleanliness in the streets or try to not throw away the trash in unauthorized places. Lastly this aspect is about the private companies doing projects that damage the environment and generate waste that is harmful to humans. What should be done as a recommendation is to improve the internal legislation in the regulation of projects that damage the environment. For example, in 2019 the mayor of San Salvador, Ernesto Muyshondt, made the official presentation of the new mechanized sweeping equipment that the Solid Waste Directorate will use to keep the main squares and preferential axes of the city center clean. Briefly, the support of civil society and institutions is needed to solve the problem of garbage in the streets.

Accordingly, the effectiveness of the proposals depends on how realistic the goals initially proposed are to keep the city clean. The solutions always work when u take the responsibility, the first point one of the most effective action is: A population more educated with the environment where the people no fall the trash everywhere, other interest actor and that is the second more important is the government they have the job to pick up the trash, is important to put more garbage cans to avoid the people throw the trash. The government should create campaigns to let people know the problem they cause when throwing garbage in the streets and also looking for projects to help eradicate the problem, for example, in 2020 funds were obtained to create a solid waste plant in San Salvador, which will be effective in keeping the city clean. As a result, positive results are expected from the problem if we can achieve the
steps to resolve the problem.

Finally, it can be seen how important a culture of cleanliness is, not only for the vision of tourism, but also for health, social and even economic issues, thus avoiding problems such as pandemics, floods, etc. In the same way, the role of the State and the rules of private companies have to be considered, and although this fight for a clean world can be difficult given the ingrained culture of an apathetic way of life, only by working as a team San Salvador can have a better situation with the environment. and with the world. If the solution to the problem is not implemented, it is possible that San Salvador in addition to air, water and soil pollution; It will harm the health of the population, as well as there will be a degradation of the environment that will cause social costs such as the devaluation of properties and seriously affect tourism in the area. To sum up, the constant maintenance and treatment of solid waste in the area is important. 

Maintenance: The process of maintaining or preserving someone or something, or the state of being maintained.

Sweep: Clean (an area) by brushing away dirt or litter.

Garbage: Wasted or spoiled food and other refuse, as from a kitchen or household.

1- “EAP Foundation: Problem-Solution Essay”. EAP Foundation, accessed April 24 of the
2021. https://www.eapfoundation.com/writing/essays/problemsolution/.
2- “Paper Help Writing: Learn How to Write a Convincing Problem Solution Essay”. Paper
Help Writing, accessed April 24 of the 2021.
3-“Owlcation: How to write a problem solution essay: step-by-step instructions”.
Owlcation, accessed April 24 of the 2021. https://owlcation.com/humanities/100-
4- “Kibin: 40 Problem-Solution Essays Topics to Help You Get Started”. Kibin, accessed
April 24 of the 2021. https://www.kibin.com/essay-writing-blog/problem-solution-
5- “Disruptiva: San Salvador lives with its garbage”. Disruptiva, accessed April 28th of
2021. https://www.disruptiva.media/san-salvador-convive-con-su-basura/
6-“Mayor of San Salvador: San Salvador Mayor's Office presents new mechanized
sweeping equipment”. Mayor of San Salvador, accessed April 28th of 2021.

Exploratory Essay

 Exploratory Essay:

   In this type of essay is a short piece of writing, you have to examined some idea or problem, the purpose of that essay is to show you different point of view to inform a situation.

Characteristics of that essay:
1-This an short article.
2- Not contain opinions.
3- This essay not try to convince the reader.
4- They have to describe weh, how and why.

Structure of that essay:
 In this part you have to give some key terms of your topic and describe them. That is works to get more interested in the problem.
Some tips about the introduction:
1- The firts sentence should be short.
2- Try to use "you" word at the beginning.
3-Show that the issue.
4- Make the introduction breif.

2- Body paragraph: 
In this paragraph you have to expressed your point of view and you have to give important imformation. The body paragraph have two parts one of them is: Firts body paragraph ( In this paragraph you have to provide information) and the other one is Second body paragraph ( Should be more bigger than the previos one, you have to explore the topic.

Some connectors that can you use to start the second body paragraph:
Position 1: Many people believe...
Position 2: Other people would contend...
Position 3: Another way to look at this question is....

3- Conclusion: 
In this part you have to should return the reader to the introduction, the reader can be challenged to draw his own conclusion through a quetion about his own opinion.


Topic: The role of International Organizations in the covid 19 situation:

I-  Introduction: Do International Organizations have a real effect on the countries? The different International Organizations were created as a help forum where the problems would be heard, among other things, they would talk about the main International Organizations that have the greatest prestige in the world, in turn, the role that these Organizations take to help the different countries or how they are influenced by them.
II- Body paragraph I: International Organizations since ancient times have seen different unions that did not succeed in establishing themselves as an organism, but they do work together in a way to defend themselves from foreign enemies. 
A- It is important to mention the first reference that we have, which is the Congress of Vienna of 1815, where they began. 
B- Gradually the notion of creating more international organizations for the mutual cooperation of the States, before this in each moment of history the organizations are changing their methodology and the birth of new ones.

III- Body paragraph II:In the current context, the World Health Organization (WHO), another highly relevant actor is the United Nations Organization (UN), the Secretary of the United Nations, Antonio Gutierrez, expresses the importance of communication. 
A- In the case of the World Health Organization, it mentions several strategies for the covid-19 situation, the United Nations has a voice where it asks for support from the countries, either in a humanitarian way or in another way. 
B- The work of the UN has It has been very great since it contacts different non-governmental organizations for their cooperation and to reach these countries mainly affected by the covid-19 pandemic. 
IV-Body paragraph III: In the case of another international organization that was highly involved in the context of COVID-19, it is the World Bank (WB). 
A- Where it has a set of objective parameters in which the first consists of saving lives, protecting the poor, guaranteeing the increase, sustainable businesses, the agenda has changed from one moment to another.
 B-The World Bank assumed the role of helping in this case the World Bank helps with 14,000 million to help the economies and protect employment in these most vulnerable countries where thousands of companies They ended up closing, in addition to helping in business aspects as well in public health.

V- Body paragraph IV: As a last point, the role of international organizations in this context, where, for example, the Pan American Health Organization, the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean, the Inter-American Development Bank, among others. 
A- Where they seek to work together so that the effects What does the covid-19 bring with it, do not happen in the long term, a great concern that does not reach the aid for all countries, for that reason I recommend that the inputs given be used in the best way so that it does not bring negative effects in the countries.
B-They also make a call to civil society and the government in general, where it is a job that has to be done together and their participation is necessary, the aid panorama is seen in a positive way but there are nerves before the solution.

VI-Conclusion: In conclusion, international organizations have had a difficult task in knowing how to help countries, not only with money but also humanitarian aid and supplies to fight against covid-19, the countries where the aid is going have to know their points Where else does the aid have to go so that they become stronger and not just any crisis affects them in a direct way, the work will continue and the most affected countries will continue to get help, more and more challenges appear to the new international agenda.

The role of International Organizations in the covid 19 situation:
Do International Organizations have a real effect on the countries? The different International Organizations were created as a help forum where the problems would be heard, among other things, they would talk about the main International Organizations that have the greatest prestige in the world, in turn, the role that these Organizations take to help the different countries or how they are influenced by them.

International Organizations since ancient times have seen different unions that did not succeed in establishing themselves as an organism, but they do work together in a way to defend themselves from foreign enemies, it is important to mention the first reference that we have, which is the Congress of Vienna of 1815, where they began. gradually the notion of creating more international organizations for the mutual cooperation of the States, before this in each moment of history the organizations are changing their methodology and the birth of new ones.

In the current context, the World Health Organization (WHO), another highly relevant actor is the United Nations Organization (UN), the Secretary of the United Nations, Antonio Gutierrez, expresses the importance of communication. In the case of the World Health Organization, it mentions several strategies for the covid-19 situation, the United Nations has a voice where it asks for support from the countries, either in a humanitarian way or in another way, The work of the UN has It has been very great since it contacts different non-governmental organizations for their cooperation and to reach these countries mainly affected by the covid-19 pandemic.

In the case of another international organization that was highly involved in the context of COVID-19, it is the World Bank (WB), where it has a set of objective parameters in which the first consists of saving lives, protecting the poor, guaranteeing the increase. . sustainable businesses, the agenda has changed from one moment to another and the World Bank assumed the role of helping in this case the World Bank helps with 14,000 million to help the economies and protect employment in these most vulnerable countries where thousands of companies They ended up closing, in addition to helping in business aspects as well in public health.

As a last point, the role of international organizations in this context, where, for example, the Pan American Health Organization, the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean, the Inter-American Development Bank, among others, where they seek to work together so that the effects What does the covid-19 bring with it, do not happen in the long term, a great concern that does not reach the aid for all countries, for that reason I recommend that the inputs given be used in the best way so that it does not bring negative effects in the countries They also make a call to civil society and the government in general, where it is a job that has to be done together and their participation is necessary, the aid panorama is seen in a positive way but there are nerves before the solution.

In conclusion, international organizations have had a difficult task in knowing how to help countries, not only with money but also humanitarian aid and supplies to fight against covid-19, the countries where the aid is going have to know their points Where else does the aid have to go so that they become stronger and not just any crisis affects them in a direct way, the work will continue and the most affected countries will continue to get help, more and more challenges appear to the new international agenda.

Among: Surrounded by; in the company of.

Themselves: Used as the object of a verb or preposition to refer to a group of people or things previously mentioned as the subject of the clause.

Supply: Make (something needed or wanted) available to someone; provide.

Extended Essay


This type of essay is a explanation or illustration of word, thing, or concept.

Characteristic of that essay:
1- Is serve for a persuasive purpose.
2- That essay can help u to understand something complex
3-Extended definition have to explain with examples that help to understand more clear.

Structure of the extended essay:
Is neccesary to make familiar the different concepts.

1- Try to find the definition of the word you want extended.
2- You can conduct an investigation with your loved. 
3- Make in order to better organize the research.
4- You can search how term developed is classified.

-Global warming
-Leadership in Modern Society

Topic: World Wars.

I-  Introduction: "A world war is a warlike conflict in which different nations confront each other and its consequences for the entire planet" (Javier Navarro). Through time we have observed how wars began from our first days of existence and each time they were increasing to obtain more power, more territory and take their place, we will talk about the First World War and the Second World War and finally how it is the effect it has had after that moment of great magnitude that changed history and all the countries in the world.
II- Body paragraph I: The First World War or also known as the great war, a confrontation in Europe that begins in 1914 to 1918.
A- In this war great world powers were involved, where they were divided into two sides, involving countries such as the United States and Japan.
B- This war It continued in the line of imperialism that had been taking place since past times where all States sought to increase or strengthen their empire
C- After the end of this war the great empires of Europe are weakened or stop being empires to be a country with their respective territory.
II- Body paragraph II: Then we have the Second World War in which this is not so different from the First World War.
A- Since the imperialist aspirations had not disappeared but now in this context a new dynamic enters and it is the Holocaust.
B- The case of Germany it enters Back to the context with its imperialist dogma, Against this background Germany began the war in September 1939.
C-  where Germany managed to invade 11 countries and in this situation the Jews were among the most affected people, the material damage and human life is unimaginable.
IV-Body paragraph III: As a consequence of these two wars, empires were changing from one country to another.   
A- After the failure of the League of Nations and the birth of the United Nations, they were born to enter a context of dialogue where war is not A reason for conflict.
B- After these two wars began a new era of total changes not only in economic and political terms but also in social and academic terms, new theories.
C- States that were badly damaged after the war began the plan to rebuild Europe, wars bring only poverty, damage to humanity and human loss that is priceless.

V-Conclusion: In conclusion, the war is not a new event, but that each time it evolves and takes new positions or ways of attacking without entering an armed conflict or like war, we see that these war trends do not always change due to a factor of continuing to be a power and have more power, it is necessary that the dialogue mechanisms be more controlled and seek more dialogue, since this is a factor (War) that countries always have in mind for their self-defense or to invade some country.
World Wars:
"A world war is a warlike conflict in which different nations confront each other and its consequences for the entire planet" (Javier Navarro). Through time we have observed how wars began from our first days of existence and each time they were increasing to obtain more power, more territory and take their place, we will talk about the First World War and the Second World War and finally how it is the effect it has had after that moment of great magnitude that changed history and all the countries in the world.

The First World War or also known as the great war, a confrontation in Europe that begins in 1914 to 1918. In this war great world powers were involved, where they were divided into two sides, involving countries such as the United States and Japan, this war It continued in the line of imperialism that had been taking place since past times where all States sought to increase or strengthen their empire, after the end of this war the great empires of Europe are weakened or stop being empires to be a country with their respective territory .

Then we have the Second World War in which this is not so different from the First World War, since the imperialist aspirations had not disappeared but now in this context a new dynamic enters and it is the Holocaust, in the case of Germany it enters Back to the context with its imperialist dogma, Against this background Germany began the war in September 1939, where Germany managed to invade 11 countries and in this situation the Jews were among the most affected people, the material damage and human life is unimaginable.

As a consequence of these two wars, empires were changing from one country to another, after the failure of the League of Nations and the birth of the United Nations, they were born to enter a context of dialogue where war is not A reason for conflict, after these two wars began a new era of total changes not only in economic and political terms but also in social and academic terms, new theories, States that were badly damaged after the war began the plan to rebuild Europe, wars bring only poverty, damage to humanity and human loss that is priceless.

In conclusion, the war is not a new event, but that each time it evolves and takes new positions or ways of attacking without entering an armed conflict or like war, we see that these war trends do not always change due to a factor of continuing to be a power and have more power, it is necessary that the dialogue mechanisms be more controlled and seek more dialogue, since this is a factor (War) that countries always have in mind for their self-defense or to invade some country.

Invade: Enter (a place, situation, or sphere of activity) in large numbers, especially with intrusive effect.
Badly: In an unsatisfactory, inadequate, or unsuccessful way.
Manage: Be in charge of (a company, establishment, or undertaking); administer; run.

Argumentative Essay



The argumentative essay express an extended argument for a particular thesis statement, in this type of eassy is necessary to present arguments because that help to support your ideas.

Elemental components of the argumentative essay:

1-Introduction and Thesis.

2- Opposing nad qualifying ideas

3- Strong evidence in support of claim

4- Style and tone of language

5- A compelling conclusion


1-Introduction: The introduction help us to capute the attention or interest of the reader.

2- Body: In the argumentative essay the body is where the arguments are developed in detail. The author present the evidence, analysis, in that is neccesary to convince the reader.

Conclusion: No new arguments or evidence appear here, In all conclusions, there should stress the relevance and importance of the argument.


1- Make a claim.

2- Provide the grounds (evidence) for the claim.

3- Explain the warrant (how the grounds support the claim).

4- Discuss possible renuttals to the claim, identifying the limits of the argument.

Rogelian model:

1-Establish the introduction.

2- Identify an opposing view.

3- Validate tje opponet's opinion.

4- Establish your position

5- Validate your position.

6- Back and forth argument.

7- Benefits of your position.


1- You have to select amdebatable topic.

2- Adopt a position on the topic, develop and thesis statement.

3- Consider your audience.

4- Present clear and convicing evidence for your opinion.


Topic: The importance of the world's lung in South America.

I-  Introduction: "The earth loves our footsteps and fears our hands". Joaquín Araújo. The Amazon known as the lung of the world is increasingly in danger, we will talk about how important the Amazon is for the world, also in the danger that the Amazon is, its wealth that it has for the world, we must take into account Note that this has great relevance and importance and every day it is losing part of our green lung in the world.

II- Body paragraph I: The importance of the Amazon is not a new issue on the international agenda since we know up to different summits.
A- We can mention that the purpose of these summits is to raise awareness and reach an agreement for the reduction of pollution and gases.
B-  One of the main summits that We have of real importance is the summit of the earth in which its purpose is to evaluate progress.
C-  Take into account the importance of helping the environment for health reasons and to take care of our future generations.
III- Body paragraph II: It is necessary to take care of the Amazon one for its natural wealth, in this case where thousands of fires attack the Amazon jungle. 
A-It is difficult to imagine the thousands of quantities of species that are in danger and we can mention this from species of plants to species of animals, like the different indigenous communities that inhabit the place.
B-Every year this situation increases where each time fires and deforestation take more kilometers.
 C-The role of private companies is important since they occupy to put factories or streets where they are looking for "development".

IV-Body paragraph III: The Amazon helps us by absorbing millions of tons of carbon dioxide, where this jungle works to reduce the amount of greenhouse effect.
 A- In addition to this it helps against climate change and warming of the earth.
       B- The Amazon in its role after offering large amounts of fresh water and conservation of species that only exist there.
      C- These plants without being completely discovered could have positive effects on medicine and thus help millions of people.

V-Body paragraph IV: Finally, in the case of governments, they are those that have the most important role to take care of this entire system that is increasingly threatened. 
A- The role they have is fundamental from the politics and the penalty for the destruction of this, already In the case of these events that affect the jungle.
B- They are caused by private companies where there is great corruption, the movement of indigenous people has been observed for the respect of their lands where they have their own customs of life.
C-We already know what the lung of the world means to us and in all that it helps us to overcome and reduce.

VI- Conclusion: In conclusion, the jungle is a natural resource that has no price, in which we already observe the importance of caring for it not simply for the plants and species that inhabit it, it is very important to maintain it due to climate change and the carbon dioxide that affects the layer. of ozone, it is important that countries achieve more commitment and that they are not corrupt in the face of private companies that have a great influence in these situations.

The importance of the world's lung in South America:

"The earth loves our footsteps and fears our hands". Joaquín Araújo. The Amazon known as the lung of the world is increasingly in danger, we will talk about how important the Amazon is for the world, also in the danger that the Amazon is, its wealth that it has for the world, we must take into account Note that this has great relevance and importance and every day it is losing part of our green lung in the world.

The importance of the Amazon is not a new issue on the international agenda since we know up to different summits, we can mention that the purpose of these summits is to raise awareness and reach an agreement for the reduction of pollution and gases, one of the main summits that We have of real importance is the summit of the earth in which its purpose is to evaluate progress and take into account the importance of helping the environment for health reasons and to take care of our future generations.

It is necessary to take care of the Amazon one for its natural wealth, in this case where thousands of fires attack the Amazon jungle, it is difficult to imagine the thousands of quantities of species that are in danger and we can mention this from species of plants to species of animals, like the different indigenous communities that inhabit the place, every year this situation increases where each time fires and deforestation take more kilometers, the role of private companies is important since they occupy to put factories or streets where they are looking for "development".

The Amazon helps us by absorbing millions of tons of carbon dioxide, where this jungle works to reduce the amount of greenhouse effect, in addition to this it helps against climate change and warming of the earth, the Amazon in its role after offering large amounts of fresh water and conservation of species that only exist there, in addition these plants without being completely discovered could have positive effects on medicine and thus help millions of people.

Finally, in the case of governments, they are those that have the most important role to take care of this entire system that is increasingly threatened, the role they have is fundamental from the politics and the penalty for the destruction of this, already In the case of these events that affect the jungle, they are caused by private companies where there is great corruption, the movement of indigenous people has been observed for the respect of their lands where they have their own customs of life and we already know what the lung of the world means to us and in all that it helps us to overcome and reduce.

In conclusion, the jungle is a natural resource that has no price, in which we already observe the importance of caring for it not simply for the plants and species that inhabit it, it is very important to maintain it due to climate change and the carbon dioxide that affects the layer. of ozone, it is important that countries achieve more commitment and that they are not corrupt in the face of private companies that have a great influence in these situations.

Lung: An open space in a town or city, where people can breathe fresher air.
Indigenus: Originating or occurring naturally in a particular place; native.
Summit: A meeting between heads of government.




This essays is one of the most common essay but this are really important for differents studies, that is why that essay explain the different effects of different actions they wait a some answer to result the problem.

Characteristic of that essay:

1- This essay try to organize and discuss ideas.

2- This essay analyzes the reasons or antecedents and then effects the consequences.

3-These type of essay comtemplate several causes or effects of a problem.

The process to developing your cause-effect essay:

1- Choosing a topic: (Relevance, Clarity, Precision, Meaning and Interests).

2. Brainstorming.

3- Distinguishing the causes and effects.
4- Create an outline.
5-Creating thesis statement.
6- Collect supporting data.
7- Writting the essay with appropiate transactions.
(Because, Because of, Due to, Another is, Since, As and For).
(Consequently, As a result, Therefore, A result is, The cause of, The reason for)

Tips for writting this type of essay:
1- You have to define the type of essay to be performed.
2- You have to include examples in the essay.
3- Making a mental map or brainstorm that will can hel u with the essential points.
4- Include the most important causes and consequences to give value to the essay.


Some topics for your essay:
1- The corruption in Central America (cause-effect)
2- Cold war (cause-effect)
3- Cuban revolutions (cause-effect)
4- Salvadorean Civil War (cause-effect)

Topic: Corruption in Central America:
I-  Introduction: How much does corruption affect the development of countries? We begin with this question around the experience that has been previously lived in Central America in recent years, where millions of dollars are stolen each year, affected in a great way to these countries, we are going to analyze the corruption index, as it has been developing and on what these movements that leave the country in poor condition are based.
II- Body paragraph I: As a first point, corruption in Central America is seen throughout all countries.
 A- The entity in charge of observing these details is the International Transparency Organization (IT)
 B-It is important to take into account the relevance of the institutions for the fight against corruption.
C- In our reality we see how corruption directly affects us when millions of dollars are stolen and leaves the country in a bad position where it is interpreted that it is not a safe country and with good institutions.
III- Body paragraph II: Secondly, corruption makes countries have less opportunity in different aspects.    
   A-Such as the attractiveness of foreign investment, it makes them less attractive for developed countries in loans,
   B- Directly before corruption, the population is the most affected since Those millions of dollars can be invested in social programs, education or health,
    C- In the Central American case we find Nicaragua as the most corrupt country, and in the aspect of the continent we find Venezuela.
IV-Body paragraph III: Some solutions in which we can find is the responsibility of government authorities to make processes with transparency.
A-Many times in small municipalities and the president themselves for years steal
B- Creating that development is affected in many ways, the role of the Institutions is very important since these are the entity that enforce the laws in one way or another.
C- It is important that these are well strengthened and organized.

V-Conclusion: To end corruption has not changed in recent years, it always maintains the same positions worldwide in corruption, it is to work continuously to stop correction in a safe way, where the State institutions can respond to these problems in a way with transparency and thus improve our position in the level of corruption and invest that money in programs that do help the developing country.
Corruption in Central America
How much does corruption affect the development of countries? We begin with this question around the experience that has been previously lived in Central America in recent years, where millions of dollars are stolen each year, affected in a great way to these countries, we are going to analyze the corruption index, as it has been developing and on what these movements that leave the country in poor condition are based.

As a first point, corruption in Central America is seen throughout all countries, the entity in charge of observing these details is the International Transparency Organization (IT), it is important to take into account the relevance of the institutions for the fight against corruption. In our reality we see how corruption directly affects us when millions of dollars are stolen and leaves the country in a bad position where it is interpreted that it is not a safe country and with good institutions.

Secondly, corruption makes countries have less opportunity in different aspects, such as the attractiveness of foreign investment, it makes them less attractive for developed countries in loans, directly before corruption, the population is the most affected since Those millions of dollars can be invested in social programs, education or health, in the Central American case we find Nicaragua as the most corrupt country, and in the aspect of the continent we find Venezuela.

Some solutions in which we can find is the responsibility of government authorities to make processes with transparency, many times in small municipalities and the president themselves for years steal, creating that development is affected in many ways, the role of the Institutions is very important since these are the entity that enforce the laws in one way or another, it is important that these are well strengthened and organized.

To end corruption has not changed in recent years, it always maintains the same positions worldwide in corruption, it is to work continuously to stop correction in a safe way, where the State institutions can respond to these problems in a way with transparency and thus improve our position in the level of corruption and invest that money in programs that do help the developing country.